Monday, November 18, 2013

What's In Store For Student Teachers?

The Student Teachers Experience:  If you are in your senior year of your educational career, then thinking about passing Certified Teacher is not the only thing   on your mind.                                      
  How about your student teaching semester?  So…you’ve got butterflies, excited and nervous all rolled up into one.  What will you be doing and just how much will you be responsible for?  Will you be given various tasks that will help you reach your goal as a strong educator or will you only be expected to observe, listen, make copies and run errands for the Clinical Teacher?  Your experience could be either good or bad.  The Clinical Teacher is the one who has all the answers to that question. 

I had the opportunity to observe a fellow classmate over the week-end, who is presently doing her student teaching this semester.  She told of some of her experiences good and bad.  The only advice that I could give was from the experience of volunteering at my children's school.  And this is what I said to her and it goes to all future student teachers: get to know the staff, the ladies in the office, lunchroom workers etc.  Develop a great relationship with the Principal, you may even want him or her to observe you in the classroom and give you some feedback. Keep copies and take photos of all your work.  You may be able to use it later or put it in your portfolio.  I’m not that great at remembering names, but learn the name of all the students and become Miss or Mr. Curious. All of those things could get you the recommendations you need and set the tone for an A+ model of student teaching.


  1. It can also pay off to find out which schools have traditionally offered the best student teaching experiences--the places that let you move from grade to grade or subject to subject so you can teach 1st as well as 5th, the buildings where student teachers are supported rather than thrown into the deep end, etc.

  2. Great article Mrs. Anita! I wanted to student teach at my old school but the application process, in my opinion, is crazy! Guess they are extremely selective about who they allow in schools.

  3. Mrs. Anita, I really enjoyed reading your post. I think it is good that you were able to observe and talk with someone who is student teaching so that you somewhat know what to expect when you begin student teaching yourself.
